Terrorism refers to the violent acts perpetrated deliberately to inculcate fear among the civilians to intimidate or coerce societies or governments for political, ideological, or religious goals (Jaggar, 2005). Terrorists commit violent acts that draw the attention of the government, world, and the local populace to their cause. Therefore, terrorists plan a violent attack for a significant publicity by choosing targets, which symbolize what the terrorists oppose. Terrorism has become a common issue in North America as the number of terrorist activities increase since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks (Weedon, 2012). This paper will consider the frequency of terrorism in North America, major causes of terrorism, appropriate prevention strategies against terrorism, and the impacts of terrorism on the United States.

Terrorist activities have continued to increase since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks (Weedon, 2012). However, the United States and their allies continue to participate in fighting terrorism. Terrorist activities have led to the death of many people, many of which are the innocent civilians. According to the Global Terrorism Database of the University of Maryland, terrorist attacks have quadrupled across the world since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Islam has been the main ideological culprit in the growing number of terrorist activities. The increase in terrorist events is because of varied tactics as terrorists discover sophisticated unconventional tools (Jaggar, 2005). Therefore, many parts of the world including North America have continued to experience an increasing number of terrorist incidents irrespective of preventive measure.

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Various credible arguments have explained why the occurrence of terrorist activities has increased across America. Some of the arguments include fighting between unconventional and conventional military wisdom, weak policy of the United States, dependency on the technical intelligence, as well as decapitated human intelligence of the United States (Shahan, 2012). A weak foreign policy of the United States has contributed to an increase in the terrorist events across the world. From the time the Arab Spring Started, the United States Nation has recreated groups of terrorists through weapon procurement, behind closed doors delicacy, among other logical needs. Therefore, the people that the United States Nation assists became the same people to fight. The United States’ Department of Defense employed the conventional fighting of war in the unconventional battle (Jaggar, 2005). Terrorism refers to a tactic comprising of modest cellular units that can undergo absolute destruction through opposing the structures of the cellular force. The unconventional battle became marginalized when the application of conventional wisdom was successful.

The intelligence community of the United States Nation has become technologically independent (Spindlove & Simonsen, 2013). Terrorists have acquired sufficient information on how to employ technology to their armory, but without wasting time, they realized that dependency on the technology would result in their own deaths because of Western intercept capabilities. Currently, many terrorists are utilizing runners as an old concept of communications. It is almost impossible to deal with terrorists, who employ communication runners, when the technical intelligence instruments dominate the reconnaissance platform, surveillance, and intelligence. Human intelligence has been critical in the current asymmetrical war (Shahan, 2012).

In North America, the primary causes of terrorism include political and social injustices, as well as the notion that violence will be an effective strategy for discouraging injustice (Jaggar, 2005). People choose to apply terrorism when attempting to correct what they sensed to be a historical, social, or political wrong. Individuals resort to terrorism when they perceive that a government has denied them their rights. It has been evident from many terrorists that they resorted to violence upon long deliberation due to the feeling that violence was the only viable alternative. For instance, Osama bin Laden declared a war on the interest of America because of believing that the United States troops posted in Saudi Arabia symbolized abomination (Weedon, 2012).

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Appropriate prevention strategies against terrorism include the establishment of the Homeland Security enterprise, thorough screening of passengers, protection of the critical infrastructure, and detection and prevention of nuclear, biological, and radiological threats (Weedon, 2012). Establishment of Homeland Security enterprise ensures adequate training, security clearances, and preparedness grant financing. Screening of passengers leads to the identification of high-risk travelers, as well as facilitation of a legitimate travel. This will lead to a secure flight, which is unlike the flights that resulted in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks (Shahan, 2012). America and other countries should employ advanced technologies that will detect and prevention of nuclear, biological, and radiological threats accurately.

In America, terrorism has had a tremendous impact on the economy, both direct and indirect costs. The destruction of investments, such as buildings, vehicles, and airplanes, as well as the loss human lives, has impacted on the American economic development negatively. For instance, the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks resulted in a loss of about $20 billion. Terrorism has also impacted on the financial markets due to the disruption of transaction processing and communications systems. This was evident during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks when the World Trade Center underwent destruction. Economic spending of the defense and Homeland Security since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks is approximately US $500 million yearly (Weedon, 2012). The detection of security threats at airports wastes passengers’ precious time, which would allow them to be financially stable. Therefore, terrorism has numerous impacts on the economic development of North America and other countries that experience terrorism.

In conclusion, terrorism incidents have continued to increase since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks because terrorists discover new fighting techniques (Shahan, 2012). Terrorists also discover the current security measures and design appropriate strategies to suppress them. The primary causes of terrorism include political and social injustices and the feeling that violence will be the most appropriate strategy for dealing with injustice. The United States Nation should employ appropriate strategies, including the establishment of the Homeland Security enterprise, thorough screening of passengers, protection of the critical infrastructure, and detection and prevention of nuclear, biological, and radiological threats. Terrorist activities have devastated the development of the American economy significantly (Weedon, 2012). 

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