In computing, dynamic tasking refers to the execution of multiple processes at a time (Reilly, 2003). The processes share the processing resources, which include main memory and Central Processing Unit (CPU). The computer operating system keeps track of the execution progress without the loss of information. In the contemporary society, most electronic gadgets, such as smart phones, laptops, and desktop computers possess multitasking operating systems (Reilly, 2003). Multitasking operating systems have been beneficial to users of the communication gadgets, especially the smart phones, which many people use to exchange information, as well as collect information efficiently and effectively (Clair, 2011). However, dynamic tasking may slow down the speed of a computer system because each process utilizes various resources, including system storage (Reilly, 2003). This paper will consider the importance of using multitasking communication gadgets, such as smart phones and personal computers.

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Multitasking of smart phones can enable the users to do a number of activities at the same time (Reilly, 2003). Therefore, multitasking allows smart phone users to utilize the available time in an effective manner. For instance, when answering a call, the smart phone user may open the calendar and view the appointments. The user may also open the application of contacts and look up the name of the interlocutor while answering a call. Multitasking allows a smart phone user to take notes and browse over the Internet at the same time, or tweet and add notes to the calendar at the same time. The smart phone user can accomplish a number of tasks within a short time because of multitasking (Clair, 2011). Therefore, one of the benefits of multitasking is the elimination of time wastage during the accomplishment of various tasks. A single tasking computer or smart phone may execute processes for a long term because it cannot execute them at the same time (Clair, 2011).

Multitasking of a smartphone will avoid inconvenience among the users because many processes can take place at the same time. When a mobile phone or computer does not have a multitasking processor, one processes could wait for the execution of the other processes (Clair, 2011). For instance, mobile phone or personal computer users may feel inconvenienced when the browsing processes bar the incoming text messages, email messages, and calls. Multitasking allows the smart phone users to receive calls, text messages, alerts, email messages while the users are executing other processes, such as surfing the Internet. Therefore, multitasking can enable the users of the aforementioned gadgets to exchange information and gather information more efficiently than is the case with single tasking gadgets (Reilly, 2003). However, users of the multitasking smart phones and personal computers should not overload processors of their gadgets with numerous processes because the operating system may be extremely slow, thereby leading to inconveniences. It is evident that a mobile phone or personal computer with the multitasking capability may not bring the users any inconveniences as long as the users do not overload the processor.

Another benefit of multitasking is an increase of the use of a personal computer or smart phone’s CPU because the user can accomplish a number of processes within a short time (Reilly, 2003). Therefore, a smart phone or personal computer will be efficient to serve the user sufficiently. An efficient mobile phone or personal computer will be productive throughout its life when the user understands how to use the gadget. The users of smart phones will receive crucial messages and alerts while doing research over the Internet at the same time. It is evident that the users of the multitasking smart phones and personal computers will make the maximum use of their gadgets for significant productivity (Clair, 2011). Therefore, multitasking increases the productivity of smart phones and personal computers.

Reduced cost of production is another benefit of the multitasking of smart phones and personal computers. A person may not need to purchase many various gadgets to accomplish numerous tasks, which a multitasking smart phone or computer can do at the same time. However, it is extremely crucial for smart phone users to understand that overworking the processors of their gadgets can reduce efficiency significantly (Reilly, 2003). Operation of the multitasking computers does not require many users. Therefore, an organization may employ few workers, who will do the same amount of work as the numerous employees using single tasking computers. An organization will experience increased profits because of the reduction of the salary costs.

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Another benefit of multitasking is that a multitasking personal computer or smart phone can be a source of entertainment and at the same time a communication gadget (Shelly & Vermaat, 2008). A computer user can listen to the music and do assignments  utilizing Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Internet Explorer at the same time (Shelly & Vermaat, 2008). Entertainment will motivate a computer user to continue working on assignments and other tasks tirelessly. Likewise, the user of a smart phone will enjoy entertainment, such as music, and at the same time sharing information with friends over social network sites, including Facebook and Twitter. Therefore, the users will feel comfortable working with multitasking gadgets.

In conclusion, multitasking of personal computers and smartphones is beneficial to the users because of a number of reasons. Multitasking personal computers and smartphones ensure efficient and effective transmission of information between the users (Reilly, 2003). This happens because the ongoing processes do not bar the incoming calls, text messages, and email messages. Multitasking increases the productivity of personal computers and smartphones during their life. Nowadays, the organizations don’t have to purchase many computers as the computers are multitasking; this reduces the cost of production. Similarly, an organization can recruit a few computer users to do many tasks. Finally, multitasking computers and smart phones will entertain the users in the course of task accomplishment.

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