Reasons why Art Activities Should be Included in Leadership Development Programs

The link between art and leadership has for long been created to put forward art activities that are carried out in leadership development programs. It has been approved that the best artists provide people with perspectives on their social status and better approval of their world, which is relevant to what leaders do. For example painters, architects, sculptors among others, stir up the idea of verification and confrontation. These artists verify and with the integration of the artist-identity in their performance, they end up with a wide range of dominant potential. Research in physiology and social sciences notifies that the artist’s self-identity has achieved a significant grip in current years. It goes on to indicate that the work produced by artists is a significant outcome of their traits. However, leadership development programs address the idea of self awareness, effectiveness, self rule and monitoring, which are tools already in action with artists (Lawson, 2011).

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Alternatively, in leadership development programs, training is a major aspect in such curriculums. Personal identity is taught to individuals in order to produce results regarding their character. Developmental activities succeed when they are connected with an individual’s work in progress and when they are incorporated in a set of skills. The authority and character of a good artist is reflected in the personal experiences of the same artist (Lawson, 2011). However, it is these experiences that mould the artist into the performance of excellent work. The capability of an artist to produce an outstanding work, which is an objective of leadership development programs, calls for the inclusion of such activities in leadership programs.

Artists have been seen to work on the edge. The edge is the boundary between the known and the current. They work with familiar problems and unknown solutions. They are said to be anxious about getting solutions to the predicaments in their field of work and creative in that they look for possible ways of eliminating the problems. The innovativeness, which arises from such complexities, is a key element in leadership development programs, where leaders are taught about awareness, exploration, direction and action. In the aspect of awareness, they are taught about how to be aware of their necessities, strengths and weaknesses. They are also obligated to enquire excellent practices and information on actionable policies and direction to putting practices into action. Consequently, the activities of artists are seen to be relevant to the concepts initiated in leadership development programs. This points out a reason as to why such art activities should be involved in leadership programs (Woodward & Funk, 2010).

Artists carry out their practices in an interdependent affiliation with the medium that is uncontrollable. The medium can include clay, stone, paint or any relevant item depending on the nature of the activity. They learn almost everything about their medium. For instance, a potter will be assured that clay is his or her way of survival and thereby create a good relationship with the medium, clay. The artist will get to know where to find clay, how it will interact with water, discover its limits, that is; if it is too hard it will collapse, and that a good relationship with it will show an artist its strength and the likelihoods of co-creation. The same case applies to the types of artistry (Woodward & Funk, 2010). This process is required in leadership development programs.

It has been noted that leadership development necessitates the consciousness of operating within an animated ground of interaction whereby the cause of a solitary act is not wholly controllable since in a universal, inter-reliant actuality, each step affects the entire process. Therefore, a good relationship has to be created between a leader and students for them to have an excellent performance in their practical world. Art activities should be included in leadership development programs, since their process is obligated in leadership programs (Barrett & Beeson, 2002).

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An artist puts into practice the skills of cognitive competence in order to create a presentable work. Some activities are complex and require highly skilled personnel to handle them. In such situations, artists find a process of simplifying a huge task into subdivisions. Through sections, they are able to tackle each with ease. The same case applies to leadership development programs. Leaders are taught about the skills and steps to take when complex situations arise in their leadership activities. Therefore, art activities should be involved in leadership development programs because of the similar skills required in the two areas of practice. This was strengthened in a research study that established that the thriving private and public companies had a set of proficiencies that guided progress in all stages according to the results of a Consortium Benchmarking Study (Consortium Benchmarking Study, 2000).

Alternatively, involvement of art activities as part of leadership programs will boost the level of competition in private or public companies. Barrett and Beeson (2002) outline five significant forces that model leadership proficiencies as being an international competition, information technology, the urge for fast and stretchy institutions, groups and dissimilar worker requirements. Due to the global competition, artists work harder to produce works that are different from their competing companies’. With the idea of competition in mind, a high output is predicted in the art activities leading to personal development. This idea is required in leadership development programs as it opens the minds of learners to a working environment. The trainees hereby utilize the lessons learnt from a development program, hence a forward step in the country’s economy.

With the recent advancement in information technology, artists have improved their work, a factor that attracted many clients to purchase their services. They receive information from the internet on ways of handling specific job requirements. With the new technology, artists have created a higher range of products and services making it possible for clients’ tastes and preferences (Alexander & Ciaschi, 2002). On the other hand, leadership development programs use the recent information from the internet and other ground sources to relay to the trainees. When the trainees step into the working environment, they are able to handle job opportunities with a lot of precise information acquired from the development courses. Art activities should be accorded a part in a leadership development program, since they are a source of experiences. This is brought about by the fact that they relate with the direct working environment, contrary to the trainees in the development programs, who face the real world after a period without practical work.

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Art activities should be involved in leadership development programs due to the linked criteria initiated in the acknowledgement of opportunities in both sections. In the onset of an art activity, an artist finds the best ways of tackling a project. For example, architects design buildings in the best way according to the preference of a client. If any irrelevance occurs, a client may wish to terminate the project because of the loss of efforts and time wastage by the artist. To prevent such instances from occurring, artists follow criteria based on self-questions like, ‘is this the best way of presenting this work’, in order to produce the required outcome. As mentioned earlier in this context, leadership development programs comprise of teaching and mentorship. From this perspective, training leaders in leadership development programs should have metrics for the demonstration of some projects. When art activities are involved in leadership development programs, an exact procedure will be formulated to lessen the work done by the artists (Lawson, 2011).

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Like any other business organization, artists also form groups aimed at unity and growth of their organizations. For example, it has been noted that a number of musicians come together with a common goal of producing a song. In such associations, there must be a director, who is the leader of the group and performs the duties of any leader elsewhere. Leadership development programs should involve art activities to develop their foundations and to enable artists to succeed in their endeavors. Leadership development programs teach individuals on the responsibilities of direction setting, alignment creation, and gaining loyalty. Through such tasks, the trainees acquire responsibility (Lawson, 2011). When they step to the real world, they utilize every step to effectiveness. However, art activities with commitment and accountability should be involved as part of leadership programs in order to increase their knowledge on alignment and coordination of their activities.

Leadership development programs offer a chance for personal growth. Programs teach the members how to become responsible members of the society. When the members learn on attributes to good leadership and the advantages, their personal growth is developed. This is depicted in areas of a character change leading to enhanced output due to direct consideration. This recognition of artists gives them a sense of being as they are accorded due respect like the other members of the community (Woodward & Funk, 2010).

A body of skills and art development was created to look into the needs of artists and to participate in their activities. It has been noted that the creativeness of artists has made them produce outstanding works, be familiar and accorded due respect in their community. They also endorse efforts to put into practice what they have gained. Due to this factor, it is noted that artists have the capability to adapt to a few changes in the leadership development programs if given the opportunity (Barrett & Beeson, 2002).

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