Video game development companies face many safety threats just like other software businesses. The hostile attacks have a negative impact on the performance of the enterprise. In such companies, chief information officers should work tirelessly with all other employees to mitigate the risks. The swift advancement of technical know-how calls for software establishments to be watchful and examine the various pressures exerted on companies. The aim of this paper is to find out and evaluate the possible risks in the video game development company and to establish the follow-up tactics, based on different approaches for addressing all the threats in order to enhance success of the business.

Attacks that are faced by the software development companies involve the use of various implements and databases from network tools and their systems. Threats, when observed, are caused by enthusiastic, ready, and capable people, who have the motive of taking advantage of the corporation’s weakest points in security. They continue their search to get to new areas, where there are some faults in the system (Dingman, Russo2015). The types of existent attacks include reconnaissance, access and denial of service, worms, viruses and Trojan horses.

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Reconnaissance or information gathering is an unauthorized discovery and mapping of the systems, services, and vulnerabilities (Jacquet, 2014). It is followed by physical access or denial of service. A parallel can de drawn between this scenario and a situation, when a thief is inspecting a neighborhood to identify suitable houses, where he can steal from, for example, those that are unoccupied or those with frail doors and windows. System access in comparison to the stated example is the capability of a person to access an account which he or she does not have a password to. The person is called an intruder. The intruder without authority can cause a hack, through which, he or she can take advantage of accessing and making changes to the attacked system (Kshetri, 2014).

Denial of Service (DoS) is a kind of attack, when an invader incapacitates or debases nets, structures or facilities with an objective of blocking the services, proposed to users. It comprises of crashing the system or decelerating it down to a speed that it is impracticable. Denial of service can also involve simple erasing or debasing of information. Denial of Service is the most insecure and dreadful attack for the software businesses.

All malicious programs such as worms are introduced into computers with a purpose to damage a system, reproduce it or prevent from effective functioning. They equally permit delicate data to be copied in various ways (Jacquet, 2014). An attacker can log on to a computer and use a software package to display a Windows login screen with an aim to provoke a user to input his secret code and username. The malicious program then sends this information to the assailant, and the Windows gives an error message about a wrong password (Kshetri, 2014). When the user logs out, the correct Windows login screen appears, and the user does not realize that his password has been stolen. These threats have eventually developed into viruses that are even more dangerous. These attacks spread all over the world in a very short span of time by using the nets. Worms and viruses can wreak havoc through straining web materials by generating overloaded traffic and can similarly be applicable in organizing payloads, which harm and take important data, or deleting hard drives.

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It is important to create and implement a follow-up plan to address these risks. Therefore, a vulnerability analysis should be carried out (Holmquest, 2014). Before adding safety measures to a prevailing web, it is important to validate their up-to-date correspondence to what is required. The analysis provides a chance to pinpoint the need to restructure a system’s section or reestablish a certain part of the scheme to fulfill the necessities and encourage the potential improvements. Analysis can be divided into three steps: policy identification, network analysis, and host analysis.

Policy Identification involves the designer analysis of the existing organizational policy. It assists in the identification of the safety deficiency, which influences the formation of the project that can give a possible solution (Holmquest, 2014). The manager of the project should inspect the systems that need security improvements. It helps in providing the correct protection level and monitoring the movement of the delicate information in the net. The strategy should find potential attackers so as to help the manager to realize to what extend he can rely on both interior and outside operators. The director or the designer of the project should also be capable of carrying out evaluations to check if the strategy was established through the use of precise risk valuation measures. He further has to reexamine the strategy regulatory measures in order to ensure that they can successfully control potential and possible threats. Policy Identification guarantees that the strategy, the manager is working on, meets the current demands in the field of technology. Possible policy improvements are made before the execution and application phase.

Network Analysis can be conducted through many high-quality practices, implements, and guides available to help in protection of network strategies. It can contain tools from Cisco such as, for example, Auto Secure and Cisco Output Translator (Dingman & Russo, 2015). Cisco Auto Secure provides quick execution of security rules and measures in order to guarantee the safety of networking services. It accelerates the security procedure by eliminating the obstacles, which may appear during the deployment of security programs. Cisco Output Interpreter is a tool that can troubleshoot possible errors. It has guides that comprise of values and instructions for safe alignment of Internet protocol routers, including full commands, necessary to control the routers (Kshetri, 2014). It gives practical guidance to back up the network managers, and security arrangements to increase the safety of the systems. It teaches configuring routers in a way that controls access, counterattack attacks, safeguards the constituents of other systems, and defends the reliability as well as the discretion of system circulation.

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When scheming a network safety resolution, it is necessary to involve analysis of different considerations. Determining each host’s role helps in deciding, which steps should be followed to make it safe (Holmquest, 2014). The network may have several operator workplaces and numerous servers which should be accessible both internally and externally. Applications, as well as services executed on the computers, should be identifiable, while those system facilities, which are not essential, ought to be blocked.

Operating systems should be equipped with security patches, if needed. Another software application such as antivirus also should be installed and regularly updated to meet the current demands. The hosts should be monitored regularly for the signs of hostile actions so that they can be detected in advance. Certain tools established on a UNIX or Linux policy can be used to assess the host’s safety threats. These implements include Network Mapper (Nmap) (Kshetri, 2014), which assists and aids in security inspection. The other tool is Nessus, which is a vulnerability scanner. It has the capability of displaying a report when the scan is finished. In addition, it offers ways that can help to control the possible vulnerabilities that exist in the system or might occur in future. The analysis tools have certain programs such as Encryption tools and PIN applications among others.

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Risk management, control establishment, and selection processes play a significant role in video game companies. It is evident that video game companies have a reputation for the creation of flexible schemes. Risk management strategies help the company to reduce the possibilities of failing, and to match the development strategy to the plan (Kshetri, 2014). Failure in establishing the interconnections between processes places a threat on the development and final release of the game. Therefore, risk management is a primary strategy that Videogame Company should employ, as it helps to develop precise points of the general plan, and suggests best practices for the development processes that can help to avoid costly faults. Moreover, control identification strategies, when established appropriately can help the organization to control its primary processes and games. Many clients would like to monitor and control their games. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance for the video game company to come up with control identification methods to meet the demands of the organization as well as the customers’ needs. Selection processes also help the team to increase its levels of production and performance (Kshetri, 2014). They enable the company to identify the most efficient ways of production. They further allow matching the expectations of the customers with the quality of products. Establishment and application of the best tools to provide a higher quality of production should be made through the choice of correct processes. Therefore, the three strategies, mentioned above, are vital in the control of production and the mitigation of possible risks.

In conclusion, game development companies as well as other software companies should invest more in the control of information security throughout their activities. With the current constant technological development, there are many threats, which should be analyzed and controlled. It will enable the companies to continue with their activities successfully.

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