Managing diversity has become one of the crucial aspects of the reforms in the public sector in the recent times, basically due to the population dynamics, as well as societal demographic shifts. Managing diversity is important in helping public organizations to achieve their objectives effectively and efficiently, particularly in service delivery. The Coca-Cola Company incorporates a diversified team of talented employees rich in innovative ideas. The main goal of this paper is to provide an overview of the diversity in the Coca-Cola Company, as well as inclusion as a part of managing diversity (Beham, Straub, & Schwalbach, 2013). The main objectives and tasks are to make an overview of managing diversity, providing an analysis of how it can be managed in public administration and analyzing its importance in addition to evaluating how the Coca-Cola Company performs this task. The methods used in the collection of data in regard to diversity in the company are interviews and observations. Effective diversity management is critical for the success of any company. It has been particularly evident at the Coca-Cola Company, where individuals are treated equally regardless of their diverse characteristics.

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Discussion, Description, and Analysis of Main Issues

Managing diversity in public administration basically involves incorporating various elements of diversity in an organizational workforce. These elements include age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, race, religious beliefs, family status, marital status, and gender reassignment (Beham, Straub, & Schwalbach, 2013). Therefore, as far as public administration is concerned, any of the above-mentioned elements of diversity should not be used as a means of discriminating and harassing individuals, as well as a reason to deny a job for them.

Diversity management in public administration is very important due to various reasons. To begin with, diversity management is crucial in improving the productivity of public organizations. It is caused by the fact that when the diversity of employees in an organization is managed, the employees are motivated towards achieving the organizational goals and objectives collectively. In addition, mobility in respect to work force is highly increasing, thus, the necessity of managing diversity. In addition, young workers are increasingly joining the workforce creating the need for diversity management (Beham, Straub, & Schwalbach, 2013). Moreover, a large number of women are joining the workforce in addition to the proportion of ethnic minorities. This number is constantly increasing creating the need for diversity management as all of these individuals are motivated towards achieving the organizational goals. Managing diversity also helps in forming a positive image of any public organization in addition to increasing teamwork efficacy within the company. Moreover, it provides possibilities for creating new ideas, products and services in an organization, thus, boosting productivity and profits.

There are various ways, in which diversity can be managed. To begin with, any organization should ensure education and training on diversity among its employees. Moreover, organizations should embrace the broad recruitment of employees by hiring individuals from diverse backgrounds. Diversity should also be embraced by the organization by appreciating multiculturalism (Ricco & Guerci, 2014). The value of multiculturalism should be accepted not only because it is mandatory but also for its own benefit. All employees in the organization should be involved in designing a diversity strategy or initiative within the setting besides being sensitized to embrace its principles.

The Coca-Cola Company is one of the Americans public organizations that embrace diversity management. The company has received various awards due to its principles of managing diversity, leading to increased productivity and the motivation of employees in the company (Ricco & Guerci, 2014). It is reached due to the fact that Coca-Cola manages diversity in various ways as discussed below.

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The management of the Coca-Cola Company develops various programs in respect to diversity education. The company has three pillars that promote diversity education, which are diversity training, diversity library, and speaker series on diversity. Diversity training helps engage the employees in the company, create a working environment that leverages diversity and accelerates the overall productivity (Ricco & Guerci, 2014). Diversity training also helps in ensuring that the company’s associates are able to comprehend the manner, in which the company’s procurement power is leveraged. It is done by creation of a pool of suppliers that includes the minority businesses owned by women.

In regard to gender equality, women occupy thirty percent of the company’s senior management jobs. In addition, Coca-Cola also launched a global initiative program for women in 2013 after making a detailed research, which revealed that women made better purchasing decisions in the company (Ricco & Guerci, 2014).

Moreover, the company reserves a certain number of jobs for the young people exclusively. Furthermore, the employees of the Coca-Cola Company are given the opportunities for career progression regardless of their age. In addition, the company also gives promotions to its employees without taking into consideration the age factor.

The company is committed to equality apart from diversity as its executive team comprises of individuals from various races. Additionally, its employees are of different nationalities and are drawn from different continents, including North America, South America, Africa, and even Europe (Ricco & Guerci, 2014). It boosts the level of diversity and appreciation of the fact that all individuals working for Coca-Cola are different in terms of their origins.

Individual Reflection

Undertaking this task as a group was one of the most interesting experiences. I must admit that planning the work is not an easy task but we, as a group, used an opportunity to combine our efforts and remain focused on attaining the highest grade for this work. Thus, we brainstormed on what topic we could choose for this work and finally picked one that we could easily make a research on. Individual members outlined different points to the research. Each member had an important thought that instrumentally made the whole work a success. I learnt that group work is the best approach due to a great number of ideas and opportunities it presents. The group experience has transformed my level of thinking in regard to working with others and it was a fully enjoyable experience for me. 

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