Ways to Deal with Grief

Often grief is something that totally catches a person off guard. That is why dealing with distress can be the hardest thing ever. Usually, we are not prepared for some unexpected events in our life and may be completely confused and disoriented. Nevertheless, the process of suffering from sorrow for each individual differs, but in the majority of cases, people find alike solutions to their problems.

In 1999, distinguished scholars, Judith Larson and Holen-Hoeksema, undertake a study to determine the ways people act to cope with the loss. Apparently, society has firm views and prejudgment regarding such situations; however, when people themselves come into trouble, they wouldn’t use those ideas. This research proves that the prearranged strategies are not used practically as in an accidental condition, people are not able to instantly recall them. Emotions run high; therefore, our state is very vulnerable.

There are certain features according to which men and women choose a coping plan of actions. Amongst the most important criteria are: age, the kind of woe suffered, gender, and personal characteristics of the affected.

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