For the past ten years, increased prevalence of harassment and peer discrimination amongst students and youth has been a rising issue. The conduct of harassment has been evident in schools of the United States according to a number of widespread investigations. What is more, it could have an effect on student’s growth and mannerism. The National Crime Survey subjected by the National Center for Statistics discovered that the rate of students stated to have been harassed in the U.S schools had raised from five percent in 1999 to eight percent in 2001 (Saylor & Leach, 2009).

Purpose of the Research

The above mentioned research addressed the issue of harassment, fright of school cruelty and communal aid amongst students with disabilities. The researchers discussed the suggestions of students’ individual security and inclusive training (Saylor et al., 2009). Due to the increased rate of bullying, the researchers examined the depth of the incidence in order to find out possible ways of curbing the practice.

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Importance of the Research

The researchers wanted to target the termination of bullying and victimization by peers through modification of anti-bullying programs that included students with disability. In the modification of bullying programs, it was noted that students with disability were able to give accurate responses concerning what they had gone through compared to those without disability. It was considered a major problem in the research progress (Saylor & Leach, 2009).

Hypotheses and Design

The researchers noted that the SWD had been alleged with advanced rates of discrimination by peers and larger nervousness concerning diverse forms of peer oppression. There was a significant decline in SWD harassment brought about by the inclusion of the SWD, although the change was not sufficient to eradicate SWD harassment by peers. It was also noted that students with a good record of education performance contributed much in bullying the less fortunate ones. The study involved twenty four students with disabilities and twenty four healthy students, known as the peers. The two groups took part in a directed inclusion line up, known as peer EXPRESS (Saylor & Leach, 2009).

The researchers used Reynolds’s Bully Victimization Scale (BVS), School Violence Anxiety Scale (SVAS), and Harter’s Social Support Scale (HSS) in efforts to get the independent and dependent variables. As discussed earlier, they divided the students in two sections with the aim of getting responses from both parties. Nearly all students involved in the research review had at one time been bullied. In order to get accurate results, three items were measured, which entailed the number of students involved in harassment, school violence, and social support (Saylor & Leach, 2009).

Questions were posed to the forty eight students, who involved the SWD and those without a disability. The feedback was the outcome of the process. The peers answered orally, while the SWD used verbal and other means to give their responses (Saylor & Leach, 2009). Initially, information on bullying was presented to the participants. The main purpose of the survey was highlighted, and relevant answers were delivered by the participants through verbal, oral and written means of communication depending on the nature of the disability.

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Results of the Research

The outcome of the research showed that the SWD originating from natural disability, poor education performance, and lesser levels of social aptitude had widespread victimization. The students without disabilities were less affected. The peers were the major cause of bullying resulting in a good number of students abandoning school. The obtained numbers were used to calculate the percentage of students who had been victimized. The test was related to students with disabilities and those without disability (Saylor & Leach, 2009).


The results of the research indicated that student bullying had adversely affected the students with disabilities. It was noted that even after the involvement of the SWD in the program the rate of victimization only declined, but did not come to a complete stop. This indicates that the SWD have not been involved in anti-bullying programs. The results will serve to educate students on the modification of anti-bullying programs as well as teach them on the dangerous impacts of bullying and victimization.

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