
The Homeland Security policies were created by the United States government following the September 11th, 2011 terrorist attack providing the authorities with the power to detain individuals suspected in the terrorist activities. The then President George W. Bush made the case for these measures by the goal of preventing the future attacks on the U.S. territory in the next eight years. However, some intelligent experts argued that the Department of Homeland Security failed to coordinate its intelligence operations, which opened the loopholes used by the al Qaeda terrorist network to attack the country. Making the Homeland Security system efficient is one of the most crucial and difficult challenges for the United States today because the problem of protecting the country are rooted in pervasive complacency, over-centralization, engrained politics, and other problems, which frequently result in the authorities’ failure to work properly. The given recommendations outline the crucial steps to establishing an effective and sustainable Homeland Security for the United States. The events and experience of the past decade are the better guide to the future security of the nation than the ideas and strategies designed immediately after the 9/11 terrorist attack (Lepore, 2012). The Homeland Security can be effective through adoption of the fair, truthful, and genuine approach to the immigration policies. They should make the state and local authorities become the partners and employ an amnesty first strategy, which would prevent any illegal border crossings and unlawful presence in the state. The practical and functional boundary security, immigration, and factory floor laws are important in committing the scarce resources on the demanding security threats posed by the multinational criminal cartels majorly based in Mexico.

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The Homeland Security is a blend of facts, half-truths, interpretations, emotions, rumors, misunderstandings, and lies about what the government is doing to protect the nation. The recent news indicate that, for many years, the security agencies have been monitoring the phone calls, emails, and text messages keeping the entire U.S. nation under mass surveillance. This fact indicates that the need by the government to monitor the actions of citizens is increasing nowadays. However, this fact also brings up some controversial issues, as the citizens are deprived of privacy. The public does not have any confidentiality in their private issues especially when communication is done via the modern technologies such as phones and emails. According to the recent news, the NSA collects personal information and monitors the communication of people via emails, phone calls, and text messages. Consequently, all citizens are being monitored in every step they make. The NSA has also been involved in monitoring the communications of the U.S. citizens who are abroad without any permission from the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Jack Kenny (2013) admits, “President Obama defends the current program despite having strongly condemned the NSA “fishing expedition” under President George W. Bush” (p. 44).

Policy Options

From the Army’s and Department of Defense’s (DOD’s) perspective, the Homeland Security seems to lack the analytical basis of the needed military abilities. Even though a significant advancement has been made in communicating the effects of the WMD (weapon of mass destruction), no definitive information concerning the country security dissection are accessible. Moreover, no explanation models have been created to help in understanding the automatic exchange of information. Furthermore, there were the earmarks for the non-standard studies and approaches, which allow the DOD make decisions on the asset appropriation for the country’s security needs. Since so little effort has been made to improve such a base, the Army ought to demand the genuine systematic approach to this issue in terms of the Army, DOD, and bigger government, state, and nearby settings. More particularly, the Army should seize the activity and make the authorities design and implement the fundamental system and supporting resources (databases and models) for the effective studies and analyses of the Homeland Security (Reuel, 2013). The likelihood that the dangers are increasing suggests that the additional military arrangements for the country’s security are justified.

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Policy Recommendations

The central government ought to stop the legitimate assaults on the state and nearby government urging to pass the migration laws. The state authorities have the power to act in light of a legitimate concern for the general wellbeing of all residents. The Constitution clearly states that the police forces are to serve both the government and every individual. Subsequently, the state and nearby governments possess the inborn power to authorize the designed criminal law (Reuel, 2013).. Rather than attempting to undermine these initiatives, the Congress and the President’s Administration ought to change the laws that outline the activities that the states can take.

The President ought to issue an official request giving the state and local authorities a seat at the government federal policy table on the Homeland Security issues. These groups, in turn, will cooperate specifically with the National Security Council staff, and they will be engaged in suitable IPCs. The Interagency Threat Assessment and Coordination Group (ITACG) may offer a utilitarian model. The DHS, the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), and the FBI should mutually oversee the ITACG to include the state and nearby viewpoints into the national brainpower cycle. The ITACG, in turn, should incorporate a bulletin gathering to suggest strategies, which will coordinate the state and neighborhood examiners with intelligent investigators at the NCTC. The states need to have a say when the country security strategies are proposed, designed, examined, discharged, and followed up. This well-coordinated effort is an imperative key to building the national security according to the country’s needs. However, Katel (2009) asserts that it makes people believe that “hundreds, if not thousands, of American employees in the organization are in on a conspiracy” (p. 131).


Through the adoption of fair, truthful, and genuine immigration policies, the Homeland Security will be an effective system. It will provide the state and local authorities with the power of implementing the policies. The authorities, in turn, will ensure that the illegal border crossings and unlawful presence of some people in all states are controlled. The government should put in place the practical and functional boundary security and immigration laws in order to ensure that the suspects or people who intend to harm the U.S. citizens or their property are identified early enough and prevented from executing their wrong intentions.

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