This sample portion of an emergency management plan is written for Ohio Township.

The Planning Process, Participants, and How the Development and Revisions of the EOP are Coordinated During the Preparedness Phase

The planning process will be conducted in an open and smooth manner to ensure that everyone and every section is effectively accommodated. According to the U.S. Department of Education (2006), the first element of the planning process will involve an analysis of the key emergencies that need to be addressed to Ohio Township in the most effective manner. It would be crucial to identify these areas including fire emergencies, floods, accidents, and any possible hurricanes. Ideas from different individuals and sections of the emergency teams will be embraced at an equal level to ensure that sound ideas are put in place for the success of the emergency management exercises. Accordingly, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (2010) indicates that the key participants in the planning process would include the township mayor, the core township emergency operations planning team, the community, law enforcement officers, and emergency managers. The planning process will begin with the emergency operations planning team drafting a possible plan for emergency management. The community then would be asked to share their ideas on the effectiveness of the proposed plan. All contributions would be considered, hence ensuring only the best elements are accommodated in the final draft of the plan. Continuous consultations will form the basis of the core areas of the plan.

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It is worth noting that the mayor and the emergency management superintended would be in charge of approving and promulgating the plan for effective emergency management in the township. The mayor and the emergency superintendent will approve and disseminate the plan together with its annexes in the following steps:

  1. They will review and validate the plan.
  2. They will present the plan for further improvements by the emergency management teams.
  3. Distribute the plan.

The final copies of the plans and annexes will be distributed to the emergency management teams and the community to ensure they are aware of what is expected of them at any given time. The plans will be distributed to the public without any form of sensitive information that is likely to raise alarm among members of the public.

The development and the revision of the different levels of the EOP involving annexes, basic plan, and SOPs will be coordinated through different emergency management offices in the township. There will be an opportunity to evaluate the existing gaps in the township, hence lead to the best forms of development. The coordination will be clearly prepared by the mayor’s office, as he would be responsible for advising emergency management teams on the needs of the people he/she represents. There will be a revision of all the levels of the EOP to capture the new elements that would keep the community safer at any given time. Again, developments and revisions will be coordinated through frequent consultations and understanding of the existing needs of the community.

Assignment of Responsibility for the Overall Planning and Coordination to a Specific Position

In the course of the overall planning phase, the emergency management team will have the responsibility of reaching out to the community to gather information relating to the new and effective ways to handle diverse emergencies.  The National Association State Departments of Agriculture (2011) insists on the responsibility of community to avail the required information to support the overall planning process. Emergency management teams will probe the community on the key areas that need to be focused on in the overall planning phase to lead to the attainment of the department. The presentation of the required information will be instrumental in plan coordination to the attainment of a specific position, which is to mitigate and prevent any forms of emergencies that might arise in the town.

Training, Evaluation, Reviewing, and Updating the EOP

Training will be key to the success of the township’s emergency management plan. Ohio understands the significance of training, drilling, and equipping the emergency management team with the required knowledge and skills in the area.  National Association State Departments of Agriculture (2011) affirms that training activities will be offered both at the basic and refresher level to ensure that both emergency management teams and the community are aware of the best ways to approach diverse disasters. The community will be part of the training exercise because it has the potential of suffering directly from the effects of different disasters. Overall, the mandatory community and emergency management team training will include the following:

  1. Hazard and incident training for all members of the town.
  2. First aide response mechanisms for all community members.
  3. Team training to highlight specific incident recovery activities such as relocation and evacuation exercises.
  4. Two online FEMA courses including ICS 100 and IS-700. Notably, these courses will be available free on FEMA website for all emergency management team members.

Evaluation exercises will also be conducted periodically to boost the success of the emergency management plan. The evaluation exercise will be seen in terms of the performance of the overall plan, and the delivery of the key objectives captured all over the plan. Effective performance during a year will prove reliability and performance according to the needs of the community. The U.S. Department of Education (2006) asserts that poor performance will mean disability to work according to the expectations of the community occupying the township. Therefore, the emergency operation plan (EOP) and its annexes will be subject of review by the core township emergency operations planning team, emergency management agencies, and the superintendent.

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According to the National Association State Departments of Agriculture (2011), the township’s EOP will be updated in tandem with the deficiencies that would have been detected in the course of incident management activities and exercises. The performance of the team assigned to this task will set the basis for prompt updating by the township’s emergency management team. More so, updates will be prepared in line with the changes in threat hazards, resources, and capabilities available in the township. Therefore, updates will be prepared in accordance with the availability of new resources and any form of new threats that might come up in the township. Continuous updates will ensure it reflects the current needs of the people in the town in respect to emergency management.

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