Book Selection

This book review on “Primal Leadership” by Daniel Goleman has been selected as the research basis for this paper since it offers a novel paradigm in leadership that enhances business productivity. It evaluates the theoretical framework of the concept of leadership, the qualities of the leader, and the shortcomings of the leadership approach on the whole. For a long time, IQ was branded as the single aspect responsible for guaranteeing suitable results (Goleman, 1995). Nevertheless, this book presents the concept of emotional intelligence as an inseparable ingredient that will help leaders adopt the practices that will motivate the employees’ quantitative productivity, while simultaneously ensuring that the organizational qualitative objectives are met. The model presented by the author suggests that emotional intelligence has a more significant impact on the general wellbeing of an enterprise as compared to IQ. Thus, the leaders exhibiting suitable emotional competencies have a positive effect on the environment of their organization (Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee, 2002).

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The author is a globally renowned psychologist who often lectures to professional groups, business audiences, and in the institutions of higher education. All these efforts are justified because the author has himself chosen leadership as a vocation. In addition to this particular book, Goleman has written books on the themes including transparency self-deception, meditation, and emotional learning amongst others. Before drafting the book, Goleman reflected on how he would have achieved his purpose if one day after the book has been published, people would use the term emotional intelligence and understand what it means. Therefore, Goleman engaged in the comprehensive research into emotional intelligence and provided the outcome of his research effectively in the discussed book. He aims at helping leaders achieve augmented results, underlining that primal leadership has a significant impact on organizational performance. Therefore, the selection of this book is vital as it provides the insight on how emotional intelligence can help in improving business performance.

Theoretical Framework

The research conducted by the author offers the scientific evidence proving that a leader’s emotional competencies have a considerable influence on the efficiency of their leadership. According to Goleman (2002), there are eighteen competencies linked with the notion and application of emotional intelligence. These competencies can be categorized into four domains encompassing self-awareness, social awareness, relationship management, and self-management (Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee, 2002). The four fields are further subdivided into personal competence and social competence. Nevertheless, leaders cannot simultaneously have all the competencies described by the author. As a matter of fact, the best leaders possess between four to six sub-competencies (Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee, 2002). The assertion made by Goleman is supported by the numerous researches he conducted at approximately two hundred multinationals. He established that seemingly competent managers in the institutions were indeed distinguished by a high magnitude of emotional intelligence.

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Self-awareness domain has three competencies including emotional self-awareness, accurate self-assessment, and self-confidence (Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee, 2002). The leaders with suitable self-awareness are accustomed to their internal signals, acknowledging how their feelings have an effect on them and their performance. They adhere to their guiding principles and can frequently perceive and subsequently pursue the best course of action (Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee, 2002). They see the cause of issues in complex situations. On the other hand, the leaders with accurate self-assessment demonstrate a gracefulness in learning where they need to improve and welcome constructive criticism and feedback. The sensible leader knows where to seek help and where to place the emphasis in nurturing new leadership strengths. Self-confidence helps leaders embrace complex situations comprehensively and effectively (Goleman, 1995). Thus, the leaders take appropriate actions that are not costly to the business, as well as make less mistakes since they accept rational criticism and feedback.

Self-management sphere includes such competencies as self-control, transparency, adaptability, and achievement (Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee, 2002). Emotional self-control assists leaders in managing their unsettling emotions and instincts and channel them into the beneficial for the company ways. A leader with an appropriate self-control tool can stay calm under high stress or emergency circumstances (Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee, 2002). Transparent leaders demonstrate integrity, are not afraid to admit to mistakes, and confront any expressions of unethical behavior. Adaptability allows leaders to manage multiple demands minus losing their focus. The leaders with achievement competency have high individual standards that motivate them to promote performance enhancements for themselves and those they lead (Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee, 2002).

Social awareness field has the following competencies at its disposal: empathy, organizational awareness, and service. The leaders possessing empathy can adjust to a broad range of emotional indications. They listen attentively and can accept other people’s viewpoint. Thus, they can obtain positive and profitable relationships with individuals from diverse cultures (Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee, 2002). Social awareness helps leaders identify important social networks and read critical power relationships in advance. The leaders armed with service competency cultivate an emotional climate which fosters a positive environment in their organization. They observe client satisfaction carefully and guarantee that they are getting what they require within and sometimes even beyond the service provision list.

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Qualities of the Selected Leader

Inspiration, influence, developing others, change, conflict management, and teamwork are the qualities that should be emulated. Inspiration entails the leader practicing what they advocate for in the organization with passion and devotion (Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee, 2002). Hence, they motivate the workers to constantly improve their productivity by the example of their continual personal development. Influential leaders are persuasive and engaging. They ensure that everybody in the organization plays their crucial part in attaining the organizational objectives. In opposition to this, the leaders that embrace change easily adopt new practices and equipment that are compelled by the factors like technology among others. Change is often resisted by the staff in the workplace (Kraemer, 2011). Therefore, the leader should previously introduce the practices that help the employees implement the change and adjust to it. For instance, they launch the employee training programs which help the workers learn how to use the new devices or perform new functions.

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