It’s a well-known fact that before taking a decision almost all of us try to compare the choices we have. In fact, anything can be compared, for example, people, movies, books, etc. It’s important to mention that any two subjects can be compared and contrasted in the written form.
If you are supposed to compare certain subjects, it means you need to find all points that are similar for both of them. On the contrary, if you contrast two subjects, you try to show how they are different from each other. In this article, you will be able to find useful pieces of advice on how to create a fascinating and well-written comparison and contrast essay.
- If you are to write a compare and contrast essay as an assignment, you’d better select those topics that are interesting for you to study and about which you know quite enough information.
- Bear in mind that it is really significant to cover up a stupendous amount of information regarding chosen subjects in order to get to know how they are similar and different. It would be really useful to collect as much data as possible. Even if there are some irrelevant facts, you can filter out them later.
- Make sure you know the main idea really good and have a strong opinion concerning the subjects. Choosing the type of a structure is also very important. Organize your essay according to the classic format that consists of an introduction, a main body, and a conclusion.
- You could begin your introduction with a quotation and then proceed with the thesis statement. However, be sensible while using quotations and anecdotes, taking into consideration your audience. The background information about your subjects would be also highly valuable for the readers since it might help to understand the essay better.
- One of the most common mistakes is that many writers don’t focus on the structure of the essay. There are two most frequently used types of organization for the compare and contrast essays. The first one is point by point. It means discussing about the subject A in the first paragraph and then the same about the subject B in the next paragraph. The second structure is arrangement of points in an alternate way. In this case, you should compare two subjects in one paragraph and then contrast in another one.
- If it is possible, make an attempt to use in your essay those facts that are less known and more interesting to the recipient.
- Check whether your paragraphs are logically connected. Don’t forget to use transitions and linking words to show how one idea is supported by certain examples and factual information.
- Avoid mixing two kinds of structures in your essay. The reader might get confused while reading it.
- The last part of a comparison and contrast essay is the conclusion. It is quite similar to conclusions of other types of essays. As a matter of a fact, you should sum up all of the main points that were highlighted in the essay. Remember to make clear your point of view to the audience. Check your piece of writing twice on grammar, spelling, or other types of mistakes. Make all of the necessary corrections.
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