In academic writing, it is necessary to use certain styles as a pattern. They help to adhere to the required model and properly give credits to the sources employed in the paper. Chicago style, along with MLA, APA, and Harvard styles, is one of the multiple techniques for writing a research paper. It is also called Turabian style, since it was developed and published by Kate L. Turabian. This style has a number of format peculiarities, such as:

  • 1-inch margins on each side
  • Double spacing (except for block quotations, footnotes, endnotes, and reference list, which are single-spaced)
  • Reference list is not obligatory
  • The title page includes the school name, the paper title, course, student’s name and the date of paper delivery
  • Page numbers are placed in the upper right corner.

Because of its flexibility and versatility, Chicago, or Turabian, style is an excellent alternative to APA or MLA. It can be used for any kind of writing, including dissertation and thesis. This style presupposes that the writer has to use footnotes and endnotes to reference the sources he/she is using. In some cases, a bibliography list has to be included as well.

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Chicago style footnotes

In Chicago style, footnote references are performed by means of a superscript number placed above the text line. Its font size is smaller compared to the other text of the paper (for example, it should be 10-point if the paper is done in 12-point font). The footnote text should be placed at the page bottom. The format of the first footnote is different from the subsequent footnotes of the same source. For instance, the first footnote provides the author’s full name, while the subsequent footnotes give only the last name. In addition, you should pay attention to the punctuation marks in the footnotes.

Chicago style bibliography

Professors often want their students to create a bibliography list too. It should be organized in the alphabetical order. In bibliography, punctuation marks, as well as the location and the order of the author’s name are different. For instance, the last name takes the first place and is followed by a comma. Be careful when formatting your bibliography list and remember to consider all important formatting differences.


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Suggestion for Chicago style paper topics

Now you know the main features of Chicago style papers. To create an excellent paper, you should also be aware of how to choose and develop the topic. Below, you can find the tips for doing this successfully:

  • Read through your topic and make sure that you understand what you need to do with it
  • Do a research on your topic, using paper questions
  • Remember about the paper rubrics
  • Use proper formatting
  • Do not plagiarize

To facilitate your writing, look for Chicago style paper samples and use them as a guide. Always utilize only the most credible and respected sources for finding templates and examples. Work diligently and you will certainly succeed.

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